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Sremski Karlovci (nem. Karlowitz, Carlowitz, HUN. Karlóca, tur. Karlofça) is a town in the municipality Sremski Karlovci in South Backa district, but belong to the historic area of Srem, whose name stands in the name of the village. Located on the right bank of the Danube River, 6 km from Novi Sad and 4 km from Petrovaradin on the old road to Belgrade. According to the 2002 census. there were 8839 inhabitants.

Sremski Karlovci have preserved a number of important buildings from the 18th century. From churches, there are Peace Chapel and Holy Trinity Catholic Church, which was first mentioned in the 1735th. Church introduction to the temple of the Holy Virgin from 1746, contains Baroque iconostasis which was painted by Dimitrije Bacevic, one of the most famous painters from Sremski Karlovci. Cathedral Church of St. Nicholas was built in the 1758th in the style typical of Baroque architecture, its iconostasis was painted by Teodor Kracun, and after his death completed by Jacob Orfelin. Karlovac High School was built in the late 18th century and has a rich library with about 18,000 books. This is the oldest school libraries in Serbia. Orthodox seminary in Karlowitz began operating on 1 February 1794, and was founded by Metropolitan Stevan Stratimirović. One of the main attractions of Sremski Karlovci is a fountain four lions from the 1799th, which was built to mark the construction of the first sewage system in the city.

Town Hall is built in 19th century(1808-1811), in neoclassical style of architecture. The building of the Patriarchate (1892-1894) was created by the designs of architect Vladimir Nikolić, her style is a blend of baroque and neo-Renaissance architecture.

The architectural style from the early 20th century are also designed in the neoclassical style. The most important buildings from this era is Karlovac Stefaneum of 1903. There is today the Institute of the Serbian people and the diaspora.

Metropolitans of Karlovci and patriarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church of the 1690th - 1920. year:

Arsenije III Crnojević 1690-1706
Isaija Đaković 1707-1708
Sofronije Podgoričanin 1710-1711
Vikentije Popović 1713-1725
Mojsije Petrović 1725-1730
Vićentije Jovanović 1731-1737
Arsenije IV Jovanović Šakabenta 1737-1748
Isaija Antonović 1748-1749
Pavle Nenadović 1749-1768
Jovan Đorđević 1769-1773
Vićentije Jovanović Vidak 1774-1780
Mojsije Putnik 1781-1790
Stefan Stratimirović 1790-1836
Stefan Stanković 1837-1841
Josif Rajačić 1842-1861, od 1848.patriarch
Samuilo Maširević 1864-1870
Prokopije Ivačković 1874-1879
Laza Popović 1877-1945
German Anđelić 1881-1888
Georgije Branković 1890-1907
Lukijan Bogdanović 1908-1913

Other figures:

Uroš Knežević – serbian painter
Lukijan Mušicki – serbian linguist, philosopher, writer
Ilija Okrugić - Catholic priest and writer
Maksim Suvorov - teacher
Dimitrije Anastasijević Sabov - prominent Serbian merchant
vojvoda Stefan Šupljikac – Serbian Duke
Đorđe Stratimirović – serbian general
Branko Radičević – serbian poet
Ilarion Ruvarac - serbian historian, rector of the seminary Karlovac, academician